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The Golden Mount~Wat Srakesa(ワットサケート)~

1. About “Wat Srakesa”

In Bangkok, the three main temples around the royal palace are famous and many tourists visit, but this time we visited the temple called “Wat Saket”.

Because it is located in the old town, it can be reached in about 20 minutes on foot from Khao San Road, and it can also be reached by boat, bus or MRT.

The highlight is “The Golden Mount”, a population of mountains that contain Buddha’s ashes.While listening to Buddhist Sutra, go up the stairs surrounded by tropical trees.On the way, you can ring a bell (which let go of worldly desires), watch the scenery of Bangkok city, and go up to the corridor while feeling the wind.

Go up from the corridor to the top of the stairs you can see a wonderful view.It is a recommended temple because there are not so many people so you can look around slowly.


2. ワットサケートについて



そして、その見どころは何といっても仏舎利(ブッタの遺骨)が収められた人口の山「黄金の丘(The Golden Mount)」です。経が流れる中、南国の木々に囲まれた階段を上ります。途中、鐘(煩悩を取り除くらしい)を鳴らし、バンコクの景色を眺め、風を感じながら回廊まで上ることができます。


3. Access(アクセス)

≪ Wat Srakesa ( วัดสระเกศ ) ≫

Address: Ban Bat, Pom Prap Sattru Phai, Bangkok 10100


Admission fee(The Golden Mount); 50B

How to go; It is about a 15-minute walk from MRT Sam Yot Station.


